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Department of:

Nature Craft

Domain: Magicks of the earth, air & waters. Including astrology, animal, vegetable & mineral kingdoms.

This department encompasses all elements of the mundane realms.  All nature based magickal paths share the natural, observable world, it's seasonal phases, moon phases, animal, plant and minerals. Their beliefs are rooted in nature.

Much information is already available about the intersection of magick and nature.  Nevertheless, as has been stated before, the primary focus at Stonehaven Academy is the PRACTICAL application of magickal principles.  For example, a class on herbs might very well inform you about herbal potions found in an ancient Grimoire but those herbs may be extremely difficult to obtain where you live.  A Stonehaven class will show you how to get the same result using more common herbs and materials than might be required in a 300 year old tome. Our empahasis is on practicality and results-based methods for the 21st century adult student. 

Finally, be advised that an overall curriculum plan is already in place, a hint of which you can see on this page, but the classes themselves will be added as our professors create them.

Curriculum Overview: Dept.of Nature Craft

The following is a list of the Nature Craft department subdivisions.  As new classes are made "live" in the curriculum and open for student enrollment, you will see a specific class title, item number, credit value and fee. That information will contain a link that takes you to our education platform where you will enroll. It's simple and user-friendly. 


Note to Professors:

Your class submissions in this dept. should fit into one of these subtopics. 

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